Tuesday, August 25, 2020

iOS 13.4 Released! Final Review

 it was up,


everything Apple pro here.

And it's an exciting day to be an Apple user.

Today I was 13.4 has been released,

and it brings with it exciting new features such as the track pet support for iPads,

iPhones and a host of other changes.

I'll be covering the biggest changes and some of the more recent stuff here,

as there are simply too many features toe list.

But let's go ahead and start,

and I'll begin with the new iPad track pad stuff.

It's actually super exciting,

So let's just agree to pretend this is the new iPad pro with the Magic keyboard.

It really doesn't matter,

as these features work with any track pad and any mouse,

and it completely changes the way your iPad works.

It's unbelievable that Apple added this in a 0.4 release.


so first off the hover features,

so wherever your cursor is,

you'll notice that icons do react.

You'll notice they will hover especially useful in settings to know where you're about to click 

strange and settings.

They don't have any sort of hover feature to know where you're covering,

but in safari,

other wraps Lotus that it is built for it.

As you can see,

the cursor does highlight in auto select certain icon,

so that's pretty cool.

I can totally see Apple add more support in future applications.

Another thing is,

if you hold in,

press it will bring up the haptic touch menu right here.

So as if you were holding,

impressing it on the iPad Super neat,

and you can grab a nap and just drag it away to move it right away.

How me is that?

You don't need to wait.

Sit there with your figure on the screen,

easily drag it and move it.

Very neat things.

If you're in an app and you bring the cursor down,

it'll bring up Doc right here and quickly jump between applications and to activate,

slide over from within app.

Just drag to the right and the slide over Apple Papa.

Also in the general settings,

Apple did add a new section for track pad right here.

So with one connected,

you'll easily be able to control it without having to dig in accessibility settings so track 

pad and mouse will be in here.


Apple has added new keyboard shortcuts in the iPad app.

Just hold a command button to see what's available from within an app.

Hold one,

and there are more options here,

so Apple is completely changed.

The iPad experience made it more versatile in many APS,

and I'm very sure that Apple will expand support on this with time in many more applications with added 

features and moving to the iPhone.

These features are,

of course,

available on iPad OS as well.

So in messages,

Apple has added new Mimmo Gee stickers.

So there are nine new ones,

including this Mac Book one and several new expressions.

Apple has added a new shoes,

Sam Action in the short cuts up.

It works,

but a bit redundant when Siri can do this,

although it does still work good.

Not very pretty,

but it does.

The job in Safari wouldn't have to touching a link.

There's now an option to just open previously just open in New Tab,

and to open it,

you have to click on the preview.

And just when I thought Apple was done playing with the ex buttons in safari,

there's yet another new one.

A square one.

You better bet you that will be rounded again,

and I was 14 in the photos app.

You can now drag this segment control down here.


you could not in 13.4,

and it seems so obvious.

It's nice that Apple added that Annapolis finally fixed their mail app clicking into an email down 


You'll notice they gave you more control with the male toolbar.

Now you have the additional option to add to a mailbox and to compose a new message from within 

an email in the files up.

You now have the option to share iCloud folders so three D touch on them and have the 

option to share an entire folder.


Apple is fixed.

The very unstable and unreliable airdrop feature.

Now it properly displays how many devices are available.

And on the top shelf you have available airdrop devices and your recent,

which is a very nice touch previously not available in 13.3 point one and 

notice that there is this new visual.

This is new in the recent NATO's.

So around the airdrop devices there's This ring activates as soon as you move your device.

But that was a nice touch,

definitely integrated with the U one chip in the TV settings,

you now have the option to stream data over cellular using data saver or high quality 

and same thing over WiFi also downloads.

You have the option between fast downloads and high quality.

Also in the TV up,

this is the view for the next upcoming episode,

so slightly refined in wallpapers,

Apple is placed.

The icon,

letting you know that there is a light and dark version available evenly in the middle looks much better.

There are a number of changes in the music application in 13.4 AM Polis,

further refining their craft here.

So starting with a new splash screen,

which lets you know you can automatically download music when you add it to your library,

seems to be on some sort of time out right here,

and we'll automatically dismiss if we have to touch on a song you'll notice.

Play later has been replaced by play last clarification,

their much needed.

Also in the up next section up next has been renamed to playing next 

inside of a song.

If we go here to Next up,

you'll notice the shuffle and repeat buttons have swapped places still the same function,

though also in the lyrics view.

If you select a verse,

will have this white outline on it,

making it easier to know what you're clicking on.

Where before it didn't have that and selecting Averse will activate haptic feedback on your phone.

It's a nice little confirmation within wallet.

Apple Services used to just be a gray wall.

Now Apple actually lets you see which Apple service you paid for with a nice icon and all 

iPhones with the home button now have the status bar visible in the control center.

It's nice,

very similar to what you'll see on the iPhone 10 and above interface.

Just cool that they're updating the older phones with newer features.

And Apple has made extensive changes to the Find My APP in 13.4,

clearly preparing it for the new Apple Air tags.

A lot of the icons are updated new ones,

and things were just looking a little bit cleaner.

Apple is also fixed the interface for getting directions and map now cleaner instead of having all this 

junk on the bottom,

and Syria can now take you to the home screen from within.

I was 13.4 that's a new feature.


starting with Iowa's 13.4 on the bottom of your airpods settings,

you now have the option to disconnect or forget this device.

So apple just consolidating those settings into one place Annapolis further refined car plate 


starting with support for extra wide displays such as on BMWs and the windows.

Now for now,

playing or for the call screen or dynamic.


depending on what else you have going on,

they can shrink or grow,

as you can see here,

much more visually pleasing.

On I was 13.4 and again found in 13.4.

Car Key is a new feature where you'll be able to store your car's keys on your iPhone for 

different cars and use NFC to unlock them.

Even if your iPhone is dead.

It's unclear when Apple could activate this,

but it seems that 13.4 is the baseline firm where for this feature toe work and 

more recent icons have shown how that grouping will look in.

I was 14 super interesting.

This is where it starts.

Apple has also added support for unified purchases between Mac and Iowa's,

so if the developer makes an app compatible with Mac and IOS.

You can buy them all at once if the developer so chooses.

There's also a hidden feature in 13.4 for OS recovery.

Again like Karki,

it's a feature that's dormant.

It's hidden until Apple activates it,

but essentially you'll be able to restore your iPhone over the Internet or using another Iowa's device 

without needing to use a computer.

Super interesting stuff.


starting with 13.4 home pod will not show up as home Potter,

Wes or I.


It'll just be a number whenever you get an update for one of those,

Annapolis added communication limits inside of screen time.

Or you can limit phone facetime messages and iCloud contacts 

in within an allotted time or just in general.

Of course,

how can I forget?

Carplay now allows it use third party navigation APS on the main screen,

so that's no longer restricted to just apple maps.

And within safari,

this should be a feature that works.

It's not for me.

So when selecting a u.

R l and then clicking into it once,

you should be able to just pop the cursor in and on 13.4 here.

That's not working for me.


that's a new feature they're adding but not working.

The measure up has a new icon for the quick action short coat,

previously not solid outline.


there is a new animation for the measure.

Application for calibrating will now go side to side and upwards instead of this 


There's a slightly new animation when disabling the VPN and a larger,

bolder icon.

And in the health up,

if we go into browse all the way to the bottom,

you can now add an account from your medical provider.

Here and in stocks,

Apple is updated the old Yahoo icon with the new Yahoo finance icon.


when booting 10.2 in 10.5 inch iPad's The Apple logo is now centered.

This is to make it more synchronous with the 11 and 12.9 inch iPad pros,

which have their apple logo centered.

Interesting change,


So moving on,

Let's see what the geek bench numbers are so on.

The right is 13.3 point one on the left,


and as you can see,

quite a divided here now,

a multi core score is lower,

but single core is roughly the same and in performance.

I wouldn't say it's really particularly worse I've been using.

I was 13.4 as my daily in the beta form for the last two months.

It's quite an extensive beta actually,

and it's been fairly good.

My one complaint is the battery life.

The battery life has been abysmal on my iPhone 11 pro Series and on the max 

has been affected also.

So I'm hoping that they resolved something in the Gold Master in the final build here before 

releasing and that it will be improving.

By the way,

If you guys were on the beta seed and you were on the G m,

you will not see a different update,

it's actually the very same one.

So same build number has the gold master.

You will not have an update in there.


there are a ton of smaller changes that I didn't mention here.

These were just some of the new ones and the bigger stuff in the actual change log.

Apple lists a bunch of changes and fixes here,


as you can see,

it's an extensive up.

It's a massive update and one you should be updating to immediately.

I couldn't think of any reason other than jail break while you should.

An update and I was 13.4 will be able to be jail broken on the check rain devices 

either way.

But if you're on iPhone tennis and above and you want a jailbreak,

don't update stay on 13.3 point one for now.


my experiment with Samsung is coming to an end here soon,

so I'll be making the decision whether to switch back.

But 13.4 is so nice,

so enticing and so smooth.

Apple is fixed,

a bunch of issues.

And I cannot wait for Iowa's 14 which were hearing so much about.

All right,

new iPad Pro video Tomorrow,

guys stay tuned.

Super excited.

Actually the tractor and feature in general.

It's got me excited about the I bet again.

That's awesome.

One of the coolest things I've seen from Apple in a minute.

Our guys thanks piece

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