Tuesday, August 25, 2020

IPhone 12 Notch, IOS 14 Widgets & AirPods X Leak! RIP Beats


The guy's got another Big Apple leaks dump for you in case you haven't got your fixed yet.

Everything from the iPhone nine to the iPhone 12 pro and the first look at the 

notch potentially airpods X over ear headphones.

More news on WWDC.

I was 14 pretty much everything.


so I'd like to start with the iPhone 12 pro.

We've actually modified our design yet again,

based on some recent leaks and are mute switch.

Looks like this now.

Just wanted to throw that in there.

A little tasteful update,

so we know it's gonna have a vertical mute switch from Ben.

Guess Skin and Apple I designer updated.

There is to be more in line with the volume buttons.

I like the look and I thought I had this year since Apples making the non pro iPhone 12 and 

the pro models so different,

so distinct.

Could Apple be leaving a rounded body on the iPhone 12 models and on the iPhone 12 pro?

You'll be getting that boxy design.

I think that'd be a great way to differentiate the lineup,

and we've apparently got another leak to look at the iPhone 12 pro from I was 14 

Mawr images have surfaced,

but are they credible?

So this was shared by Fudge and shows the iPhone 12 pro front from a 

couple different angles and a new interface screen,

which we'll get to in a second here.

But from what we can tell,

the notch appears smaller.

The ear piece is now centered in the middle of that notch,

so a little bit more even from our last notch design.

I like it.

It could be something that Apple does,

and apparently this was found in.

I was 14.

But it's not an apple image.

It's just a place holder.

Or so we hear,

Max Weinberg says.

Don't get too excited about it,

even though it may have been in I was 14 and by the way,

that was confirmed by John Prosser.

He was able to confirm those files and share them without a watermark.

So they were there.

It doesn't mean that it's the design of the iPhone.

12 Pro could have been just a placeholder made by an intern.

It is a very sloppy edit.

If you actually look closer,

there's a lot of jagged lines.

There was even a version without a notch whatsoever,

So this does not mean anything.

It's not indicated,

but it's still fun to dream,

and it could be our first look at the notch,

as wasn't Iowa's 14.

But again,

take it with a grain of salt and a quick note about that notch.

Even though it doesn't usher in the era of naturalist design that we've been dreaming of.

It's still an improvement and something Apple will be sticking with at least for a year before they introduced the 

notch list design.

And one thing to note is that it could introduce battery percentage.

Since it frees up just a little bit more room on the side of your display and taking a closer look at that 


it just seems too good to be true.


we learn about the upcoming design of the camera,

by the way,

that one,

Max Weinberg says,

is still credible.

So it's very possible that that could be what it looks like,

but again,

not completely indicated of the design.

So it was just there doesn't mean it's the full design,

so that interface depicts the new widget interface that 9 to 5 Mac mentioned.

And like I said,

too good to be true appears right when it was reported on varying sizes of 



he designed a spring kit interface with three different types of which it views.

A classic still icon,

a new live icon and a show data or button mode,

which is when you would have to touch it.

And all of these would be adapted these icons,

you'd be able to move them around the screen,

much like the IOS blocks concept.

Jail breakers had it right all along.

I love it when Apple pulls from jailbreak community for inspiration,

and this could be another example off.

That and another concept from Ice Spazio.

This one is a direct translation of that leaked image from the I was 14 

building like the creativity there,

so that's a very good indication of what it could look like on I was 14.

This is really getting me excited,

for I was 14 and I don't want to raise my hopes too high,

but we're hearing so many improvements.

This could be the year also,

dongle Book pro chimed in on the authenticity of these images,

and they're saying that there is some validity to it.

but they cannot.

100% confirmed them.

They could be indicated of the design.

But they mentioned that we're still two months away from the prototypes being finished,

so that could change on Apple's end,

and these would be proved wrong.

Also do know what adds to the confusion is that multiple sources have different builds.

Of Iowa's 14 which has leaked,

some have a newer version.

Some have an older version,

so not all are able to verify certain leaks.

Do keep that in mind.

John Prosser mentioned earlier that we will be seeing an influx of leaks due to the Corona 

virus outbreak.

And structuring Apple's prototyping stage is being all screwy,

and it appears that that has materialized.

This is the result.

And could the iPhone 12 pro be delayed into December?

The actual release?

We might see an announcement earlier,

but The Wall Street Journal believes that the release could happen in December,

and they actually detail why,

Because of the issues apples experiencing in the prototyping stages and 

manufacturing of their components,

everything is all over the place,

and Apple is scrambling to make ends meet.


Prosser has shown us that the iPhone eight if you were to order one right now,

the shipping Times air slipping to April 15th April 17th,



actually lines up with the supposed I've own S E 2020 release state,

which is most likely going to be the time frame.

And if you're still not convinced about the iPhone S C 2020 release,

even more references being found throughout the Web.

My smart price is reporting that a Chinese retailer,

JD dot com,

is showing listings for this device.

And Prosser mentions that Bryson once again has slipped up about the supposed iPhone nine.

That naming is wrong,

as it has already been proven on Apple's website that it will be called the iPhone S E,

with a 2020 being the version number and a very interesting development and where Apple is going 

with Airpods and the Beats company.

So first off,

Prosser has given us an update on Apple's over year high end headphones,

saying We will be seeing them at WWDC.

They'll be competing and in the same segment as the Bos 700.


which I adore my favorite headphones and Apple is aiming for a $350 price 


which corroborates Max.

Wine backs report that the pricing will be between 3 23 16 and this is where it gets 


So we heard about AIRPODS.

Pro Light.

Apple is working on a new version of AirPods.

Unclear what they would be possibly airports.

Three possibly a cheaper version of airports Pro,

which didn't really make sense.

Now John Prosser is offering a solution here,

saying that we were thinking about it all wrong.

Airpods Pro Light will be AIRPODS X,

which is Apple's eventual replacement to the Beats X lineup and will be priced 

roughly around $200 with a release in October or November.

So nothing anytime soon.

But Apple is looking to entirely replace the beats line up slowly phase it out with new 

product releases as it just doesn't make sense for them.

It's great to own beats and all their technology,

but still using that branding when they could be using the powerful airpods branding the apple branding.

I think that makes a lot more sense for them,

and apparently Apple is offloading beats products to their employees at a special discount price,

which could be further evidence of them phasing out the beats line within the next year or so.

And speaking of AirPods,

Apple did a little poopsie as they're shipping replacement AirPods units with a new 

unreleased firmware back to the owners.

And they're unable to pair them with the other Airpods stock as a result,

which could signify will be seeing an AIRPODS software update soon to resolve this.

And speaking of software updates,

Apple is pushed out.

I was 13.4 point one as leaked and predicted this is to fix the 

FaceTime issue and another issue where on the home screen.

If you were to have to touch on settings,

the Bluetooth quick action shortcut wouldn't work.

So it's great to see Apple not hesitating whatsoever to fix that issue.

And due to Cove in 19 the Unicode Consortium has reported that new emojis,

slated for release in 2000 and 21 will be delayed into 2000 and 22 

so not affecting the emojis in.

I was 14 in case you were wondering these air.

Speaking of Iowa's 15 and beyond and 9 to 5,

Mac is reporting on a new feature coming toe.

Iowa's 14 called clips which will allow you to demo.

Use a brief version of an application without needing to download it.

So by scanning a QR code,

you'll be taken to a little interface something similar to android slices,

where you'll be able to demo that application quickly and then eventually download it if you so 

choose some great functionality.

And I hope this leads to Apple separating the APS from my West,

where you'll be able to update individual APS without waiting for a huge Iowa software update.

Probably not gonna happen as they're too interconnected.

In another fantastic I was 14.

Concept by Alexander Kastner.

He depicts a main menu system for IOS 14 or iPad.

OS 14 were similar to a start menu button on Windows.

This would essentially bring menu system integration on main menu system to the iPad 


and it would be dynamic adaptable,

depending on which iPad pro you have or I've had in general.

I think it's brilliant,

something Apple should explore going forward since,

of course,

they're trying to make the iPad Pro more and more like a computer.

It essentially shows menu accessible through a dock icon with multiple quick 


There something that would truly revolutionize the multitasking aspect of the iPad Pro.

Now we know that Apple is building up their mini led arsenal developing this technology as they'll 

be adding it to six new devices by the end of this year,

as reported by Ming Chico.

But unfortunately,

they've been beat to the punch By M s I.


Messiah has released a new creator 17 inch laptop with a mini led display.

They mentioned that it gets up to 1000 nits in brightness has all the latest display tech.

But of course,

if Apple isn't first at least their best when they release at least I hope I commend Apple for 

the amazing work they're doing for Kobe.


There extensively innovating here.

They're manufacturing face guards.

They built an application for first responders to help find testing sites.

It's amazing what Apple is doing.


go apple on this.

I love seeing that and lastly,

a quick report on the Apple TV six model that I missed.

So this is in collaboration with the verifier and I update OS.

They've released info on this device.

Nothing too crazy,

but with the report,

we know where Apple is headed with the Apple TV Siri's so they're saying it will be called the Apple TV 


It will now come in 64 128 gigabyte configurations.

There will be a new kids mode where parents will be able to control certain applications access to content 

on the Apple TV alongside the feature Screen Time,

which is coming to the Apple TV and the Apple TV six will be releasing by the end of this year.

So Apple has this huge backlog of devices that they haven't released yet.

I'm wonder how Apple will be dispersing those guys a personal request I could use your help with if 

Phone Rebel and D brand were to collaborate.

Which end product result would you like to see?

Let me know Down below in the comments anyways,

thanks for watching.

That's the latest Got a huge exclusive iPhone 12 pro video for you Coming soon.


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